
(905) 507-0024


(905) 507-0024

Medical Aesthetic Theory

Course Description

This course is designed to provide students with a detailed overview of best laser technician practices for a salon and/or spa business. It introduces topics: Basic Laser Theory, Skin typing, Intense Pulse/Light Theory, Hazards of Light Based Systems and Precautions to be taken in laser and IPL Safety Officer, Laser and IPL Aesthetic Applications, Equipment Management, and Practicalities Summary.

Course Philosophy

In this course, it is expected that students will work to achieve a basic understanding of appropriate Laser technician practices. Each student will begin the course with different ideas regarding what laser practices in salon and spa is, but as the course progresses, it is hoped that everyone will learn consistent best practices needed in this field to be a competent practitioner. Consistent practices, safe practice and professionalism is a vital focus for laser technicians in this course.


Advanced Aesthetics Practices

  • Advanced facials and skin care
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Anatomy overview
  • Foot and hand techniques

Microdermabrasion and Skin Care

Let our medical spa esthetician help you understand the microdermabrasion process and learn about basic skin types and skin care. Perfect training for the esthetician in your clinic.

  • Microdermabrasion how to, the best methods, what to avoid
  • Skin type how to analysis
  • Treating special skin conditions - what to avoid
  • Recommended products
  • And much more!
  • Skin and structure
  • The analysis and consultation
  • Skin types and conditions
  • Fitzpatrick Scale Skin Typing
  • Facial products
  • Facial procedures
  • Benefits for the client

Non-surgical Face Lift

Help your clients combat the inevitable aging process. Compu-Lift employs a series of micro-currents to achieve visible results in cellular and circulatory stimulation, muscular toning and regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers.

Skin Peels

Alex Cosmetic herbal A-Peel treatment

This natural herbal deep peeling treatment is a proven, organic method of skin peeling used to treat many different types of skin problems.

It is free of chemical additives and consists of herbs that are cultivated under pure conditions. This mixture consists of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes, phyto-hormones and micronutrients.

Overview of results

  • Increased blood circulation of the skin
  • Peeling off of the upper epidermis
  • Development of new cells and collagen fibers
  • Regeneration of the upper epidermis and the upper cutis layer
  • Refining of wrinkles and sagging skin contours
  • Improvement in skin tone and texture
  • Elimination of or respective reduction of scars, large pores, and skin blemishes
  • Elimination of or respective lightening of pigment flaws when non organic in nature
  • Lightening of hyperpigmentation

Chemical peels have been used for decades to revitalize and resurface skin. They involve applying a chemical solution to remove the damaged outer layers of skin and reveal a younger, clearer, more radiant complexion. Chemical peels, also known as "Lunchtime Peels" are traditionally performed on the face, hands, neck, back and shoulders, legs and other problem areas to treat fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and skin discoloration. Chemical peels are also effective in treating mild scarring and acne.

Treatments usually last from 15 to 20 minutes and are one of the most effective way to rejuvenate aging skin, and erase the marks of sun damage. Chemical peels may also remove pre-cancerous skin growths, soften acne facial scars and even control acne.

After treatment, the resulting regenerated skin is noticeably smoother and fresher in appearance.

Lumicell Wave 6

Revolutionary body treatment device using the latest and finest technological advances. Lumicell Wave 6 combines 4 non-invasive technologies, working together in synergy to target all cellulite related problems, body remodelling and drainage needs.

  • Photo-Pneumatic Massage: Pneumatic Massage + Infrared light 900nm
  • 1 MHz ultrasound
  • Bipolar radiofrequency
  • Needle free mesotherapy (optional)

Pneumatic massage:

  • The skin is suctioned, lifted and rolled between two rollers;
  • Increases blood and lymphatic circulation;
  • Breaks down water pockets responsible for the skin's dimpled appearance;
  • Softens the fibrous adhesions responsible for the skin's pitted appearance.

Fore more information click here.

Local Light Energy, Impulsed Micro Currents, Local Photo-stimulation

One device, five highly specialized rejuvenation treatments that target and correct the major signs of aging, for outstanding results that are visible as of the very first session.

Kinelase: Local Light Energy + Impulsed Micro-currents

The Kinelase function combines Low Level Coherent Red Light, at 650 nanometers, and Impulsed Micro-currents to stimulate acupoints and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It can be used alone, for preventive treatments, or in combination with the other functions, for a deep relaxing effect on wrinkles and expression lines.

Kinelift: Local Photobiostimulation + Impulsed Micro-currents

Non-invasive skin renewal process that produces visible lifting results.

Kinelift electrodes are exclusive to Silhouet-Tone: Ingenious design allows for easy positioning as they do not have to be on the attachment or anchoring points of the muscles. For successful, non surgical facelifts every time.

Red light spectrum at 640 nanometers:

  • Stimulates fibroblast cells to increase collagen production and trigger cell repair mechanisms;
  • Impulsed Microcurrents: surgery-free lifting tone and lift muscle tissue;
  • Sculpt the facial contour;
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles;
  • Visible results as of the first session

Fore more information click here.

Soli-Tone 2500

The Soli-Tone 2500 is the gold standard when it comes to regenerating and repairing the various layers of skin, the underlying muscle structure and dealing with all other related problems. A revolutionary system that combines multiple technologies for a complete, fast, powerful and non-invasive response for all skin conditions.

LumiFacial: total photobiostimulation

The Lumifacial panel can be used as a stand alone treatment to address needs that are specific to each skin type and condition, to maximize the benefits of other treatments or to minimize side effects and complications associated with Botox injections, chemical or laser peels, IPL or laser hair removal treatments.

2500 ExtraSuperLuminous diodes: allow for simultaneous and complete coverage of the face, and decollete area.

ExtraSuperLuminous diodes: safely deliver a higher output as much as 10 times the power of regular LEDs for an optimum dose and reduced exposure time.

Fore more information click here.


A safe, non-invasive, effective treatment for embarrassing skin blemishes, ruby points, skin tags, and blotches.

Once they form, broken capillaries will not disappear on their own. But, they can be permanently removed by the VascuLyse.

The VascuLyse uses a mild current to induce coagulation within the distended capillary. The body then absorbs the unused capillary. This treatment is called capillary coalysis, the process by which unsightly, distended capillaries are absorbed and eliminated by the body.

What areas can be treated?

  • Broken capillaries on the face and upper chest
  • Ruby points on the body
  • Skin tags on the face, neck, and body
  • Blotches on the face and upper chest

What are AFA's™?

AFAs are a new, unique, and fully patented (U.S. Patent # 6197317 and 6703030) cosmeceutical. In fact, AFAs, we believe, are the first cosmeceutical to be patented in this millennium. AFAs are based on the same natural acidic amino acids that serve to retain moisture in human skin. They are also potent antioxidants and extremely helpful against photo pigmentation. They are remarkably free of irritation at effective pH levels.

AFAs are the first cosmeceutical ever to utilize these valuable acidic amino acids as part of a skin care regimen. Independent Board Certified Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons have clinically tested AFAs for over three years and there have been no adverse incidences reported as a result of their use.

"AFA" is an acronym for Amino acid Filaggrin based Antioxidants. Filaggrin is a protein that occurs in the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis. Filaggrin is metabolized in the epidermis into several acidic amino acids and these amino acids are the primary agents responsible for the skin's ability to retain moisture. They are also the same amino acids used to produce AFAs.

AFAs 7 unique advantages as topical anti-aging cosmeceuticals

1. AFAs promote greater moisture retention in human skin
2. AFAs have 3 fold greater antioxidant potency than AHAs
3. AFAs are very effective exfoliants
4. Patients notice visible improvement quickly (often within a few days)
5. AFAs are more powerful against photo-pigmentation
6. AFAs have little irritation when compared to AHAs
7. AFAs are not photosensitizing

More about AFA's™

Contact Admissions office for availability and schedules.
Phone: 905-507-0024


High school diploma or mature student test.