
(905) 507-0024


(905) 507-0024

Plasma PRP
1 Day Certification Course

Course Description

This course is designed to provide students with a detailed overview of best PRP practices. It introduces topics that range from the technical to the soft skills required for success. To be certified it will be required to participate in a practical session at Looks Aesthetic Academy.

Course Philosophy

In this course, it is expected that students will work to achieve a basic understanding of appropriate PRP practices. Each student will begin the course with different ideas regarding what PRP practices are, but as the course progresses, it is hoped that everyone will learn what actions as a health professional injector are needed to maintain safety and best practices

Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP is produced from a person's own blood. It is a concentration of one type of cell, known as platelets, which circulate through the blood and are critical for blood clotting. Platelets and the liquid plasma portion of the blood contain many factors that are essential for the cell recruitment, multiplication and specialization that are required for healing. After a blood sample is obtained from a patient, the blood is put into a centrifuge, which is a tool that separates the blood into its many components. Platelet rich plasma can then be collected and treated before it is delivered to an injured area of bone or soft tissue, such as a tendon or ligament. PRP is given to patients through an injection or PRP Machine.

PRP Growth Factor Training – Medical & Aesthetic

Offering Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapies for your practice is a natural progression of services needed for a successful aesthetic practice as the popularity of these procedures has skyrocketed. Reimbursement for aesthetic applications average $1,000 per treatment and can easily be incorporated with your other aesthetic offerings. The cost to incorporate PRP within your practice is relatively small while the return on investment is as little as (3.5) patients total. Patient satisfaction concerning this new procedure is very high because of the results received. PRP cell therapies repairs and regenerates damaged skin of all ages do to its biological mechanism of action and attraction of stem cells in repairing soft tissues. PRP unlocks the biological potential for healing of skin tissues and is an effective cellular therapy for a number of aesthetic conditions.

The A.A.O.P.M. has designed the Platelet Rich Plasma Training to include all of the major areas aesthetically as well as give you the tools and "pearls" to be successful immediately upon completion of the program. Our staff of physician specialists will ensure that each attendee will understand and be proficient for the aesthetic uses for platelet rich plasma. Give your patients a natural, non-synthetic, solution for their aesthetic needs and see the long-term advantages of these cellular therapies.

PRP has been used extensively in hospitals for many years, over 2,000 hospitals nationwide take advantage of this technology. Oral surgeons, plastic surgeons, orthopedic physicians, cardiologists, and physicians in sports medicine have been utilizing Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapies for over (25) years. The process is simple and effective while also being affordable to the patient and physician offering these services.

PRP procedures allow for blood platelets from a patient to be concentrated in such a manner that by re-introduction to the body certain biological activities take place that allows for repair of damaged tissues. Autologous platelets when activated release concentrated growth factors in the form of glycoproteins. These cytokines and growth factors that are activated and released during degranulation include:

  • IGF I & II: Insulin –like growth factor (somatomedin C protein) encoded in the IGF1 gene.
  • Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β): cellular differentiation and proliferation, most tissues have high expression of the gene encoding TGF-β
  • CTGF/CCN2 (Connective tissue growth factor): matricellular protein needed for angiogenisis, proliferation, and adhesion of cells.
  • FGF (Fibroblast growth factor): needed for wound healing, proliferation, and differentiation for a variety of tissues and cells.
  • EGF (Epidermal growth factor): mitogenic protein stimulating cell growth and differentiation while binding to resident cell receptors (EGFR; ErbB-1; HER-1).
  • VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor): signal protein angiogenic inducer in vivo stimulating the growth of new vessels.
  • IL 8 (Interleukan-8): proinflammatory CXC chemokine which activates intracellular signaling pathways inducing chemotaxis and promoting angiogenisis.
  • KGF/FGF7 (Keratinocyte growth factor): natural protein and paracrine mediator of epithelial cell growth – hair/alopecia treatments.
  • CD34+ Cells: stem cell marker needed to attract additional stem cells to the repair site.
  • Cytokines/Adhesion Molecules: Strombal Derived Factor – Alpha (SDF-1α): modulates migration and recruitment of stem cells to the repair and regeneration site.

A.A.O.P.M.'s Platelet Rich Plasma Training will prepare you for what is needed to create these essential healing factors and allow for precise and highly reproducible separation of blood components. Platelet Rich Plasma is an effective cellular therapy for stem cell migration, progenitor cells that can be converted to soft tissue (tissue genesis), and signal proteins to modulate the repair and regeneration process. Regeneration and repair occurs within (10) days but the true results are apparent within 4-5 weeks after the injections. The results to local tissue repair and growth are permanent and does not get synthesized and reabsorbed by bacteria like other aesthetic treatments such as Botox© and dermal fillers that has a limited life span. All areas of the face and neck can be enhanced using PRP which includes the following:

Attendees during the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) training will receive didactic on the various FDA approved spin methods, advantages of dual spin vs. single spin, and a full understanding of the biological mechanism of action for these procedures. Other therapies such as the use of PRP in alopecia treatments and the pain management/orthopedic uses for PRP will be reviewed and protocols given for:

  • Soft tissue tendinopothies
    • Chronic tendinopathy (after failed treatment modalities)
    • Achilles tendonitis
    • Patellar tendinopathy (knee tendinitis)
    • Chronic elbow tendinitis (tennis elbow)
  • Ligament Sprains (sports medicine)
  • Osteoarthritis (OA) / Joints
  • Wound Care Management (Burns / Grafts)
  • Ischemic nerve damage is due to scar tissue banding

Patient selection, indications for use, different forms of PRP, and contraindications for the use of PRP will be given as well as hands-on training through demonstrations on live patients. The various injection techniques, recommended dosing, pearls, special handling, and other considerations are given as well as potential risks and possible effects of the treatment.

Join the thousands of physicians nationwide that are taking advantage of this new innovate aesthetic treatment that has become the fast growing segment within aesthetics. A.A.O.P.M. guarantees that after our Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) training you will learn why so many patients are and will be looking for these revolutionary, new procedures. All manuals, treatment forms, intake forms, instructional videos, and other related marketing materials are given so that you not only learn the new procedure but can immediately implement and benefit from these therapies.

Platelet Rich Plasma Training Objectives

Upon completion of the PRP Training in Aesthetics, attendees should have a thorough understanding and show proficiency in the following:

  1. Learn the different FDA Approved methods used to prepare PRP including:
    1. Advantages of dual spin vs. single spin units
    2. Difference in PRP kits and the various protocols for single spin units
    3. Concentration of biological agents of each, including special considerations for handling and clinical validity of medical PRP as compared to commercial products promoted
    4. Different forms of PRP and indications for use
  2. Learn the various uses of PRP for aesthetics and medical solutions for a variety of conditions
  3. Acquire the necessary skills to perform all aesthetic injections and understand the inclusion or exclusion of white blood cells for specific areas as well as the benefits of decanting red cells for certain facial areas.
  4. Learn the various delivery options such as dermal rollers including selection criteria
  5. Understand the biologic activity of PRP, clinical validity of PRP, anecdotal studies concerning various medical conditions , aesthetic considerations for use of PRP, as well as the future of cell therapies.
  6. Learn from our physician specialists about combination therapies, likely results for patients, and various other options to enhance PRP or other augmentation procedures for overall patient satisfaction.
  7. Learn to market and promote these new procedures using conventional marketing techniques and internet marketing. Pricing and packaging options are presented for a better understanding on how you will incorporate these procedures into your practice.

Plasma PRP 1 Day Certification Course

Contact Admissions office for scheduling and tuition.
Phone: 905-507-0024

Price: $1400

Includes Online Theory

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Call 905-507-0024